August 1st was the year end championship awards banquet for FTR. I was presented with the class 1st place year end championship trophy and jacket. Sherry and I had a great time and a fun night at the event. Thanks to Matthews Currie Ford for all there support this year as well as Action Power Sports in Nokomis.
1st place… It’s all about the jacket!

Sherry, my biggest fan of all.
I got into this sport when I came across a website called . It was a blog about hare scramble racing by Dave Francis who has been racing just about everything on 2 wheels most of his life. I was so inspired, I started training and racing in FTR. At the banquet a family asked if they could join us at our table and the man said “Hi, I’m Dave Francis, nice to meet you” … Seriously, How cool is that. What a great way to end the season.
My biggest competitor and friend, Jerry Mena. The season would not have been as great as is was without him pushing me though every rut, bump, rock, tree, mud-hole, and whoop. Whoo – Whoo! See ya’ on the line next year bud.

Not bad for my first season… 13 races 2-1st, 2-2nd, 2-3rd, 1-4th, 1-5th, 1-6th, and one 1-7th
11 trophies in a row with the overall Championship and a Championship Jacket… priceless!